Aayiram Muthangaludan Thenmozhi Tamil Movie Review

Aayiram Muthangaludan Thenmozhi Movie Review

Feature Film | 2012
When Aayiram Muthangaludan Thenmozhi is done with all the retarded humour and comic porn, it gets to two simple-minded imbeciles quarrelling over minor differences. And it is such people that this marriage counselling seminar is pitched at.
Mar 25, 2012 By Rohit Ramachandran

A man is sitting in a bus. He keeps glancing at the woman beside him. He waits for her to sleep. When she does, he cuts a piece of her toe nail and puts it into his shirt pocket. That doesn't wake her up. He pulls out the half-eaten cucumber from under her and eats it. That doesn't wake her up. He grabs her hand and writes his phone number on it. She doesn't wake up. The audience thinks she's dead.

Director Shanmugharaj has a trove of the most ridiculous ideas. It's ridiculous to the point of being original; maybe even, creative. In Aayiram Muthangaludan Thenmozhi, he analyzes a relationship with half-baked psychobabble. It's hilarious how he expects us to take seriously a film that has so much comic porn. A music number has the heroine's mother giving the couple sex education; she threatens them with a stick when they refuse to make physical contact and with a sickle when he refuses to dry hump her. In another, they walk out of class, in their uniforms, with both their right hands on her pregnant tummy excited to feel the baby kick. How did this retarded flick get a wider release than Vengayam? Even the humour is repetitious. The physical aspect of their relationship is also handled by the music numbers, suggesting more than it shows.

If you ever try to explain to a retard the nature of their problem, don't waste your breath just show them Aayiram Muthangaludan Thenmozhi. The sound effects are incredibly stupid and never-racking. I will admit though, I laughed quite a bit. Mostly at the film, not with the film. When the film is done with all the jokes, it gets to two simple-minded imbeciles quarrelling over minor differences. And it is such people that this marriage counselling seminar is pitched at. Regarding the music... Seriously, what a way to corrupt the love theme from The Godfather.

Rohit Ramachandran

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