Jurassic World sequel set for June 2018, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard to return

'Jurassic World' sequel set for June 2018, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard to return

Jul 25, 2015 NR

Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard will return to star in the sequel of “Jurassic World”, which is lined up to release on June 22, 2018, Universal Studios has announced.

Colin Trevorrow, who directed the fourth installment, is not expected to return to the director's chair.

“Jurassic World”, which released in June, has become the third highest grosser of the world after James Cameron's “Avatar” and “Titanic”.

Steven Spielberg will return to executive produce and Frank Marshall to produce the film. Click the Movie button below for more info:
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom


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