'Fifty Shades' R rating faces protests from anti-pornography group
Jan 16, 2015 NRAnti-pornography group Morality in Media has come out in protest against the ‘R’ rating Fifty Shades of Grey has received, specifically the “unusual behavior” wording the MPAA uses to describe the racy movie.
Their contention is that the rating “severely undermines the violent themes in the film and does not adequately inform parents and patrons of the film’s content.”
They argued, "What the term 'unusual' does not account for is the coercion, sexual violence, female inequality, and BDSM themes from which the entire "Fifty Shades" plot is based... Such a vague evaluation puts viewers at risk, sending the message that humiliation is pleasurable and that torture should be sexually gratifying.
"We'd like to change the MPAA rating for 'Fifty Shades of Grey' to read: 'Promotes torture as sexually gratifying, graphic nudity, encourages stalking and abuse of power, promotes female inequality, glamorizes and legitimizes violence against women.'" Click the Movie button below for more info:
Fifty Shades Of Grey
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