'Life of Pi' voted most mistake-free Oscar-worthy movie
Feb 22, 2013 IANSLos Angeles, Feb 22 (IANS) Filmmaker Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" would be a clear winner for best picture at Academy Awards this year if the prize giving was based on the least amount of movie errors, says a survey conducted by MovieMistakes.com.
Film fans at the website have given the movie adaptation of Yann Martel's novel thumbs up as the most blunder-free picture.
In "Life of Pi", the experts only spotted one editing error in the film, compared to 26 in Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained" and 22 in "Argo".
"Oscar nominees aren't normally too mistake-ridden, although this year's crop is a little bit more so than average. The visual effects nominees tend to have the most mistakes, possibly due to their blockbuster nature but given their budgets you'd hope they could avoid errors," MovieMistakes.com editor Jon Sandys said, reports contactmusic.com.
"Life Of Pi" narrates the tale of a boy who is adrift at sea in a lifeboat with a Royal Bengal tiger after his family is drowned in a shipwreck. It features Indian talent, including debutant Suraj Sharma, and critically acclaimed actors Tabu and Irrfan.
The other mistake-laden movies are "Les Miserables" with 15 errors; "Zero Dark Thirty" with 12; "Silver Linings Playbook" with nine, and "Lincoln" with eight.
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